Friday, December 7, 2007


I'd said that I will wait for Sony Ericsson's W960i some weeks back and guess what? The wait is apparently over. I have just received an email from SE that the phone has arrived. When I called up the nearest SE shop in town, the girl replied:

"Notchet come out".

"When will it be released then?"

"I also dunno. But Mister, waitaminute."

Some 1 minute later, she came back to the phone and said, "Next year maybe."

NEXT YEAR? But I've got an email from Sony Ericsson telling me it has been released? Ah, forget it. I am not arguing with her. It's pointless. I will find out soon, I suppose.

I've sidetracked my attention to other phones, as usual. That is just typically me, the kiasu consumer who likes to check out other options. The brand spanking new LG's U990 Viewty phone. VIEWTY, as in QWERTY? Duh. Its kinda like the Prada phone predecessor.

This baby is packed with 5MP camera, Xenon camera flash - those used on Canon digicam - and it shoots 120fps for video recording. These are some really obscene features that I dig besides the touch screen function and the supercool image browsing and video recording feature. Sure, iPhone is cool and all that but it hasn't reached out shore just yet and it has got the coveted BEST GADGET of the year on Times magazine recently. But, seriously, when is it arriving and if it does, will it be the same as the US version? By then, it has become obsolete ... 2MP? No Wifi or 3G?

The other telco honchos are quick in cashing in the cows, of course. Afterall, Asia is the biggest market for mobile phones. So, I guess LG released this black beauty and totally pique my curiosity - honestly, when someone mentioned an LG phone before Prada phone, I'd cringe. Now there is one problem. How much exactly is it retailing at? I must go to the nearest LG phone reseller, urm...

To be continued...


savante said...

Fuyooh. Nampak mahal!

johnybravo said...

My friend has this phone, its the bomb!